Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You keep the door shut because..

You keep the door shut because....
you and I were hurting each other more than we were helping each other
you needed to heal and I needed to grow up
you needed a reminder of what's important and I needed a new beginning

It means different things for the both of us; you saw it as an end and I saw it as a fresh start. The door shut is a wound that silently screams all the hurtful things that were said that we can never take back. The fresh furniture smell and the untouched dust that gathers on every surface reminds us both that for a time our relationship stood still. So much hurt and pain put us both into a purgatory; not knowing how to move forward the door was shut. You were dead to me and I was dead to you. You keep the door shut to constantly remind me that i'm a visitor and I let you because that's the healthiest our relationship can be for now.

I hope that one day you open the door back up, that you and I will come to an understanding and that we'll be able to mend the cracks we put in each others hearts.
I love you mom.

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